CIOs and CISOs are generally grown from highly technical and technically competent disciplines. Those disciplines rarely indoctrinate IT & cyber professionals to include closing the cultural gap between their technical disciplines and business operations. It is therefore, often times, extraordinary difficult for CIOs and CISOs to communicate to C-level executives, the challenges and risks associated with securing, operating, and defending a companies’ networks in appropriate context and in easy to understand ways.
Although accountable and responsible for the entire organization, its security, and, performance, Board Executives and C-level Executives rarely possess the background, experience or the technical acumen to understand and appropriately support the CIO/CISO positions, operations and planning. This includes translating CYBER culture, jargon, and operations into meaningful dialogue with regard to business impacts.
Cybersecurity threats, unlike other challenges to the US’s national security, do not fit neatly into categories like other threats to our national security.
Given some of these major challenges, amidst the fact our government faces daily decisions about how to use of Federal/DoD resources in the course of building and executing our National strategy, what roles does it play now and what roles should it play?
C2 Command Solution’s leads CIOs/CISOs to integrate effective communication and operation strategies with C-level executives in a manner consistent with business objectives. Brian’s training and consultation for CIO’s/CISO’s, including their respective tasks originates from his indoctrination and exposure in the military conducting defensive operations for extraordinarily large networks in addition to highly sophisticated offensive CYBER operations. Those operations required CIOs/CISOs to integrate highly technical jargon and operations into powerful strategies in language senior leaders can understand.
As a CYBER operations strategic leader and decision maker with an understanding of technical operations, C2 Command Solutions leads C-level Executives and Board Executives through establishing and integrating cyber strategies, to include levels of expectancy, prioritizing assets, and prioritizing resources committed to CIO/CISO missions. Including, integrating business risks into strategies with meaningful and actionable guidance for CIO/CISO operations. Brian also establishes the minimum levels and type of information senior leaders should expect during interaction with respective CIOs/CISOs. Key for customers is Brian’s ability to teach how to translate technical jargon, culture, and cyber operations into meaningful language relative to business operations.
C2 Command Solutions informative training for commercial industry businesses, especially board executives, provides insight to Federal/DoD roles in defending the US from, and response to cyber attack. We also raise the question of what “should” their role be in the future. Along with operational expertise in leading the development of strategy to defend DoD Information Network as well as our role in coordinating, synchronizing, and deconflicting offensive cyber operational objectives with desired effects and capabilities, we have participated in strategy, policy, and operational discussions at the National level, on this very subject matter
Brian 'Bubba' Dickinson | CEO
+1 757 520 6244
DUNS: 080637605
EIN: 82-1143666
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